Friday, February 9, 2018

Fieldtrip: Malaysia_Bahau

This is our first fieldtrip for UKM Student. It is 2 day trip where we travel by bus and stay overnight at Bahau town.

There are total 9 Localities visited during this fieldtrip.

1. Senaling

2. Jalan Dangi langkap

No Record

3. Jalan Felda Bukit Rokan

Dark Grey carbonaceous quartz-chlorite-mica schist, characterized by crenulation or kink folds
Strikes NNW

Lower Carboniferous radiolaria

4. Felda Bukit Rokan Barat Housing

Serpentinite is usually strongly sheared, yellow and green colored and composed of antigorite and chrysolite

5.Jalan Kepis-Rompin

6.Bukit Jeram Padang

NW trending Bukit Jeram Padang Ridge consist of mainly sandstone and shale of Middle Triassic. Fossil of Bivalve, gastropod and arthropod preserved as mould and cast.

7. Km6 Gemas-Tampin

No Record

8. Yam Fong Quarry, Segamat

Segamat Basalt, together with Kuantan Basalt occur on the southern periphery of a great geographical field of rift related alkaline basalts that extend up to Hainan Island (Hutchinson,1989). K-Ar minimum age of these rock as reported by Bignell & Snelling (1997) is 62 Ma

The basalt that we visited is in an abandoned quarry.

The quarry now filled with water.

9. Ophir Quarry, Johor

an old photo of me & friends

I would like to thank my junior's for properly documenting their fieldtip. I had used the pictures and materials from their blog because i lack documenting awareness back then.

Geological Fieldtrip

One of my favorite activity as a geologist is going for field trip.
Listed below are some of the Field trip that i've joined throughout the years and will be shared in this Blog:

  1. Bahau and Segamat (1st year UKM)
  2. Pantai Timur Semenanjung (1st Year UKM)
  3. Taman Pantun UKM
  4. Port Dickson
  5. Sungai Tekala, Hulu Langat
  6. Pantai Barat Semenanjung (2nd Year UKM)
  7. Bukit Keluang (2nd Year UKM)
  8. Kuala Krai (2nd Year UKM)
  9. Miri, Sarawak
  10. Morib and Jugra, Selangor
  11. Jalur Tengah Semenanjung
  12. Sicily, Italy
  13. Ythan, Scotland
  14. Utah, USA
  15. Stonehaven, Scotland
  16. Pekan, Pahang
  17. Labuan, Malaysia
  18. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
  19. Pulau Seribu and Bandung, Indonesia
  20. Mahakam Delta, Kalimantan
  21. Hanoi, Vietnam (2017)

Beside actual fieldtrip, since Covid-19 Pandemic, Virtual Outcrop had become an alternative, especially due to some other plus point such as:
  1.  Can visit multiple places in one session
  2. Access difficult and dangerous sections-cliff
  3. Politically and logistically challenging locations
  4. Outcrops that no longer exist
  5. Supplement existing fieldtrip with pre and post session
  6. for mobility restricted students and researchers
  7. cost saving